CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Academic Policies
CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Academic Policies

The Institute reserves the right to change these policies through administrative approval.

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity Policy

Policy #16: Academic Integrity16.1 Purpose Academic integrity is built on honesty, respect, and fairness. Students, faculty, and staff at CiiAT are members of an intellectual community. As such, it’s expected that anyone studying, teaching, or otherwise participating...

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Student Assessment Guidelines Policy

Student Assessment Guidelines Policy

Policy #17: Student Assessment GuidelinesCiiAT ensures meaningful student assessments and evaluations at regular intervals and throughout the academic year. 17.1 Regular Formal Evaluation Transcripts are issued as requested. 17.2 Ongoing Assessment/Evaluation...

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Grading System Policy

Grading System Policy

Policy #18: Grading System18.1 Purpose The Institution utilizes a standardized letter grading system where applicable. In the case where courses or programs are completed with a pass/fail designation, the Institution reserves the right to withhold certification if a...

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Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Policy #19: Attendance and Punctuality19.1 Expectations Students are expected to attend all on-camera classes and to be punctual. As art psychotherapists in training, there is an expectation of professional responsibility. For the safety of students and staff, all...

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Late Assignment Policy

Late Assignment Policy

Policy #20: Late Assignment20.1 Purpose Submitting assignments within an allotted time is considered one of the measures of academic and clinical competency. We understand that our students often have career and family obligations that extend outside of their studies...

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Academic Appeal Policy

Academic Appeal Policy

Policy #21: Academic Appeal21.1 Purpose Students have the right to appeal individual assessment outcomes that include a grade on a test or assignment or a Clinical Placement evaluation by a clinical supervisor, provided that they otherwise meet program expectations in...

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Course and Instructor Evaluation Policy

Course and Instructor Evaluation Policy

Policy #22: Course and Instructor Evaluation22.1 Purpose At the conclusion of each course, students are encouraged to provide constructive feedback through an evaluation form available in the Learning Management System (LMS). This feedback process is a vital component...

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Professional Development Policy

Professional Development Policy

Policy #23: Professional DevelopmentThe Institute encourages staff and instructors to explore and expand their skills through professional development in a number of different ways: Encouraging faculty to present at and attend conferences and workshops. Encouraging...

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Program Completion & Graduation Policy

Program Completion & Graduation Policy

Policy #24: Program Completion & Graduation24.1 Program Completion Requirements Students are expected to complete all program requirements within 24 months, with a maximum allowable extension of up to 30 months. All synchronous (on-camera) courses must be...

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Academic and Clinical Probation Policy

Academic and Clinical Probation Policy

Policy #25: Academic and Clinical Probation Policy25.1. Purpose This Academic and Clinical Probation Policy outlines the procedures and criteria for placing students on academic probation at the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy (CiiAT). It aims to...

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Student Dismissal Policy

Student Dismissal Policy

Policy #26: Student Dismissal26.1 Purpose The Institution has the right to dismiss a student at any point if a student fails to meet any of the stated academic or clinical competencies or admission requirements of the program. If a student has been placed on Academic...

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Research Ethics and Procedures Policy

Research Ethics and Procedures Policy

Policy #27: Research Ethics and ProceduresCanadian Art Therapy Association Standards of Practice Art Therapists act with integrity in regard to colleagues in Art Therapy and other professions. They carry out research in an ethical manner, and participate in activities...

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Ethical Principles and Procedures in Research Policy

Ethical Principles and Procedures in Research Policy

Policy #28: Ethical Principles and Procedures in Research28.1 The Need for Research in Art Therapy Research in art therapy is premised on a fundamental commitment to advancing knowledge and understanding of the usefulness, efficacy, and legitimacy of art therapy in...

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The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy is committed to providing clear and detailed policies that meet the requirements of the Private Training Institutions Branch of British Columbia.

Studying with CiiAT is more than just an education,

it’s a personal journey within a supportive community.

Whether it’s through our small, intimate classes, or through our friendly administrative and technical support team, we strive to provide personalized help and attention.