Policy #19: Attendance and Punctuality
19.1 Expectations
Students are expected to attend all on-camera classes and to be punctual. As art psychotherapists in training, there is an expectation of professional responsibility. For the safety of students and staff, all participants must have cameras on at all times.
19.2 Graded Attendance
Each course has 10% of the final grade allotted for attendance. Students must attend all classes. Any missed classes, early departures or late arrivals will result in lost grades. More than one class missed in a course will result in an Incomplete (I) grade and the student will be required to retake the course which will incur additional fees.
19.3 Notification Requirements – Late Arrivals and Absences
If a student knows they will be unable to log in on time, or is experiencing an unavoidable, extenuating circumstance that will interfere with attending class, the student must contact Student Services to report their absence at [email protected].
An absence, with no notification to the Institute, is considered a breach of the academic and clinical competencies required for successful graduation. The student will be required to meet with the Managing Director of Academic Services before returning to the next scheduled class.
19.4 Missed Lectures & Assignments
If a student must miss a class or portion of a class due to unavoidable circumstances, it is the student’s responsibility to get the assistance of the instructor and/or teaching assistant in retrieving missed material presented in class and to complete any homework assignment from that class. When possible, the student may be given access to a recording of the lecture.
19.5 Extended Absence
Medical, personal, or family emergencies will be taken into consideration after the receipt of a Leave of Absence Request Form. Individual courses may be taken at a future date which may delay clinical placement, can incur additional tuition costs, and can significantly delay a student’s expected graduation date. (Please see Policy #15 – Leave of Absence)
19.6 Absent While in Clinical Placement
As a requirement of CiiAT, the Canadian Art Therapy Association, and the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, students must attend scheduled group supervision or individual supervision sessions at all times during the program. Students who are not attending supervision on a regular basis may be suspended from clinical placements.
Students who fail to attend their clinical placement or clinical supervision are considered in breach of the academic and clinical competencies required for successful graduation.
19.7 Technical Difficulties Accessing Class
If a student is having difficulty accessing the virtual classroom for any reason, please reach out to the Tech Support Team immediately.
Contact information for technical support should be easily accessible, even when a computer or other technical equipment is not working properly.
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 1-250-419-7628 (ext. 2)
Studying with CiiAT is more than just an education,
it’s a personal journey within a supportive community.
Whether it’s through our small, intimate classes, or through our friendly administrative and technical support team, we strive to provide personalized help and attention.