CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Academic and Clinical Probation Policy
CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Academic and Clinical Probation Policy

Policy #25: Academic and Clinical Probation Policy

25.1. Purpose

This Academic and Clinical Probation Policy outlines the procedures and criteria for placing students on academic probation at the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy (CiiAT). It aims to support students in improving their academic performance when a deficit has been identified and ensuring they meet the institute’s educational standards.

25.2. Definition

Academic and Clinical Probation: A status assigned to a student whose academic performance falls below the institute’s required standards.

25.3. Criteria for Academic and Clinical Probation

A student may be placed on academic and clinical probation under the following circumstances:

  • The student fails to complete required coursework or program milestones within the prescribed time frame.
  • The student fails to maintain tuition payments on the agreed upon schedule in the student enrollment contract.
  • The student fails to attend classes, clinical placements, supervision appointments and/or other school commitments beyond the limits of excused absences.
  • A student’s failure to adhere to the ethical guidelines of the Canadian Art Therapy Association and the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario.
  • The student fails to meet the entry-to-practice psychotherapist competencies, including inappropriate and/or unprofessional behaviour, as outlined by the Canadian Art Therapy Association and the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario

A student can only be placed on Academic and Clinical Probation once during their studies in the Art Psychotherapy Diploma Program (APD). If probation requirements are not met in the allotted time period, the student will be dismissed from the program under the Institution’s Dismissal Policy.

25.4. Notification

Students placed on academic and clinical probation will be formally notified in writing by the Registrar’s Office. The notification will include:

  • The reasons for the probation.
  • The specific requirements the student must meet to be removed from probation.
  • The timeframe within which the student must meet these requirements.
  • Information on available support if needed, including academic advising.

25.5. Requirements During Academic and Clinical Probation

While on academic and clinical probation, students are required to:

  • Develop a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) with an academic advisor.
  • Under certain circumstances, a student on academic and clinical probation may be asked to retake a course, undertaking an additional cost on top of regular tuition payments. The student will retake the course based on the course availability and pre-determined schedule, which may impact graduation timelines.
  • Meet regularly with an academic advisor to monitor progress, if required.
  • In all subsequent courses, achieve a passing grade (B- 70% or higher).
  • Complete tuition payments in a timely manner.

25.6. Review and Evaluation

At the end of the probationary period, the Managing Directors will review the student’s academic and clinical performance in consultation with relevant faculty members. The review will determine whether the student:

  • Has met the requirements to be removed from academic and/or clinical probation.
  • Faces dismissal from the program for failure to meet the stated requirements.

25.7. Removal from Academic and Clinical Probation

A student will be removed from academic and clinical probation when they:

  • Fulfilled the expectations outlined in the notice of Academic and Clinical Probation and any additional requirements outlined in their Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).

25.8. Dismissal

A student may be dismissed from the program following an academic and clinical probation if they:

  • Do not comply with the terms of their Academic and Clinical Probation.
  • Show no significant improvement in academic and clinical performance.

25.9. Appeals

Students have the right to appeal academic and clinical probation decisions. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Managing Directors or Executive Director within seven days of the notification of probation status.

25.10. Confidentiality

All matters related to academic probation will be handled by the Program Advisory Committee, Institution faculty, and internal and external clinical placement supervisors. The Institution commits to upholding confidentiality and in accordance with CiiAT’s privacy policies, where possible.

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