CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Student Admissions and Enrollment Policies
CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Student Admissions and Enrollment Policies

The Institute reserves the right to change these policies through administrative approval.

Language Proficiency Requirement

Language Proficiency Requirement

Policy #11: Language Proficiency RequirementLanguage proficiency requirements (LPR) are a part of CiiAT's admission requirements to ensure students have a reasonable level of language proficiency to make it likely that they will successfully complete their program....

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Applications And Admissions Policy

Applications and Admissions Policy

Policy #10: Applications and Admissions10.1 Purpose Admission to the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy is competitive, as space is limited. At CiiAT, we are committed to a thorough and holistic evaluation of our applicants to ensure they are...

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Equivalency Assessment Policy

Equivalency Assessment Policy

Policy #11: Equivalency Assessment11.1 Purpose Equivalency Assessment (EA) is an assessment by valid and reliable means, and by qualified faculty and staff, of what has been learned through non-formal education, training, or experience. It is important to note that...

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Prior Learning Assessment Policy

Prior Learning Assessment Policy

Policy #12: Prior Learning Assessment12.1 Purpose The Prior Learning Assessment is a process to determine if prior education or experience is equivalent to part of the Art Psychotherapy Diploma program. Students who wish to submit a request for a Prior Learning...

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Fees And Tuition Policy

Fees and Tuition Policy

Policy #13: Fees and Tuition13.1 Purpose The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy and the Proulx Global Education and Community Foundation Board and Directors reserve the right to revise fees without notice. Fees may increase by 3% each academic year....

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Tuition Credit And Scholarships Policy

Tuition Credit and Scholarships Policy

Policy #14: Tuition Credit and Scholarships14.1 Evaluation Scholarship submissions will be evaluated based on the applicant's program eligibility and the scholarship essay submitted by the student. All scholarship essays will be graded using a standardized rubric that...

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Student Enrollment Policy

Student Enrollment Policy

Policy #15: Student Enrollment15.1 Purpose Getting new students set up with the necessary information, equipment, and systems is imperative to student success. CiiAT endeavors to make the student’s enrolling experience as smooth as possible. 15.2 Student Contracts A...

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The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy is committed to providing clear and detailed policies that meet the requirements of the Private Training Institutions Branch of British Columbia.

Studying with CiiAT is more than just an education,

it’s a personal journey within a supportive community.

Whether it’s through our small, intimate classes, or through our friendly administrative and technical support team, we strive to provide personalized help and attention.