Policy #13: Fees and Tuition
13.1 Purpose
The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy and the Proulx Global Education and Community Foundation Board and Directors reserve the right to revise fees without notice. Fees may increase by 3% each academic year. Current fees and payment options are detailed in Student Enrollment Contracts.
13.2 Unpaid Debts
Student transcripts are withheld until all debts to the Institute are paid. These debts include outstanding tuition and borrowed equipment. Excessively late payments or unpaid tuition might lead to a probation or dismissal.
13.3 Income Tax Receipts
For fees paid in Canada, official income tax receipts will be provided to students where applicable and upon request.
13.4 Refund Policy
Fees will be refunded in accordance with the requirements of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit of the Government of BC (PTIRU), as written in the Student Enrollment Contract.
13.5 Deferment
In the case in which a student is unable to begin their Approval Not Required (ANR) program as previously signed in their program contract, they may defer their enrollment in that ANR program to the next available program start date within the same calendar year. CiiAT will retain tuition paid to date.
Students who have been offered a spot in the Art Psychotherapy Diploma Program through a Letter of Acceptance may choose to defer their enrollment to the next intake period without needing to resubmit their application. Students who decide to defer to the next intake period will be required to pay a $200 deferral fee to secure their space in the next intake. Deferred enrollment past the next intake period may require students to submit a new application, including an application fee.
Studying with CiiAT is more than just an education,
it’s a personal journey within a supportive community.
Whether it’s through our small, intimate classes, or through our friendly administrative and technical support team, we strive to provide personalized help and attention.