CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Student Withdrawal Policy
CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Student Withdrawal Policy

Policy #33: Student Withdrawal

33.1 Purpose

At CiiAT, student success is our top priority, and withdrawal should never be the first choice. We offer a range of resources and individual support to help students navigate challenges. By meeting with our dedicated faculty and staff, a personalized plan can be created to address concerns and find solutions, ensuring students can continue their journey without needing to withdraw.

If the best option for the student is to withdraw from their program, each withdrawal will follow the same order of operations.

33.2 Withdrawal Procedure

  1. Meeting with the Managing Director of Academic Services: Students considering withdrawal will attend a meeting to discuss the practicalities of withdrawing.
  2. Withdrawal Notification: Students must submit a written letter of withdrawal to the Registrar’s Office.
  3. Formal Withdrawal Date: The withdrawal date is determined collaboratively with the student. If there are any program components in progress that can be completed before this date, the student will be informed of their options.
  4. Transcript Update: Student transcripts will be updated with final progress and securely stored.
  5. Tuition Calculation: Tuition will be calculated, and the balance will be communicated to the student. Any refund due will be issued, or if there is a balance owing, an invoice will be sent.
  6. Account Access: Moodle access will be revoked, and the student will be notified when they will lose access to their other CiiAT accounts.

33.3 Reapplying after Withdrawal

Once a student withdraws, the decision is final. Should the student wish to return to the program, they must reapply through the standard application process. The point at which they restart the program will be determined on a case-by-case basis, considering their previous CiiAT transcripts and academic progress.

33.4 Tuition Refund Guidelines

The Institution reserves the right to refund tuition based on the guidelines established by PTIRU. In situations where total fees have not yet been collected, the Institution is not responsible for refunding more than has been collected to date.

Studying with CiiAT is more than just an education,

it’s a personal journey within a supportive community.

Whether it’s through our small, intimate classes, or through our friendly administrative and technical support team, we strive to provide personalized help and attention.