CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Psychotherapy Experience Policy
CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Psychotherapy Experience Policy

Policy #37: Psychotherapy Experience

Psychotherapy is recommended as a valuable supplement to the learning process in the Art Psychotherapy Diploma program. Engaging in psychotherapy allows students to experience the therapeutic process from a client’s perspective, deepening their understanding of the dynamics involved and enhancing their skills as future art therapists.

To maintain professional boundaries and avoid dual relationships, students are advised to seek psychotherapy outside of CiiAT. This separation ensures that the therapeutic experience remains distinct from their academic and clinical training.

Studying with CiiAT is more than just an education,

it’s a personal journey within a supportive community.

Whether it’s through our small, intimate classes, or through our friendly administrative and technical support team, we strive to provide personalized help and attention.