Policy #11: Equivalency Assessment
11.1 Purpose
Equivalency Assessment (EA) is an assessment by valid and reliable means, and by qualified faculty and staff, of what has been learned through non-formal education, training, or experience. It is important to note that the key factor of an EA is to establish the learning that has occurred, rather than just the experience itself. It is the applicant’s responsibility to produce documentation of evidence of learning that meets the entrance requirements to the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy. This process may be used to establish a documented equivalency of a Bachelor’s degree or the credits required in psychology courses.
11.2 Equivalency Assessment Costs
The Equivalency Assessment (EA) process requires a $200 assessment fee in addition to the $150 application fee required for all Art Psychotherapy Diploma applicants.
11.3 Equivalency Assessment Documentation
To evaluate prior learning and clinical work experience in order to establish a documented equivalency, applicants are requested to present documentation and material for the following categories as completely as possible. The following points are a guide for information to be included in the presentation. Areas for assessment include:
- Formal education: completion/non-completion, academic accomplishments, coursework covering similar material
- Informal education: workshops, conferences, general knowledge
- Psychology background and experience
- Personal life experience
- Writing and research skills
- Motivation, organization, and discipline
- Art background and experience
- Therapeutic perspective and experience: personal work, groups/workshops
- Therapeutic and communication skills
- Perseverance, response to challenges
- Employment: resume, years of experience, hours of client work
- References from supervisors and colleagues
11.4 Decision
The Directors and the Academic Department will review the application and interview the prospective candidate. The decision will be based upon the Equivalency Assessment application, the applicant portfolio and interview, and an assessment that the candidate has the capability to successfully complete the program.
Studying with CiiAT is more than just an education,
it’s a personal journey within a supportive community.
Whether it’s through our small, intimate classes, or through our friendly administrative and technical support team, we strive to provide personalized help and attention.