Policy #36: Clinical Experience Considerations and Procedures
36.1 Purpose
The Clinical Placement is a crucial component of the Art Psychotherapy Diploma program. It provides students with the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge in a real-world setting, delivering art psychotherapy services under the supervision of qualified professionals at a host organization. This placement is established through a formal agreement between CiiAT and the host organization, ensuring that the student’s work directly aligns with the program’s learning objectives.
36.2 Clinical Placement Supervision Requirements
Students must be supervised by a professional employed by the host organization, such as a psychologist, social worker, nurse, or other qualified individuals in relevant fields.
The placement is limited to no more than 12 students per supervisor and accounts for no more than 50% of the total program hours.
36.3 Clinical Pl‹acement Process
Request and Approval:
- Students must request permission from the Clinical Team to begin their Clinical Placement.
- Students starting their clinical placement must meet all the prerequisites, as mentioned below.
- Upon approval, the Clinical Team will arrange an interview with the site manager at a suitable placement site.
- A written agreement is established between CiiAT, the student, and the host site. This agreement details the responsibilities of each party and the activities the student will undertake during the placement.
36.4 Clinical Placement Prerequisites
Criminal Record Check:
A Criminal Record Check with a Vulnerable Sector Search must be provided.
Clinical Competencies Evaluation:
Students must meet the standards of CiiAT’s Clinical Competencies evaluation, based on the Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA) Standards of Practice and the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) Entry-to-Practice Competencies.
Required Courses:
The following courses must be successfully completed:
- 101 – History, Theories, and Approaches
- 102 – Ethical and Legal Considerations
- 116 – The Reality of Virtual Art Therapy
- 117 – Mind, Body, and Media
Mandatory attendance at the Clinical Placement and Supervision Orientation is required.
36.5 Clinical Placement Assignment and Start Date
After meeting all prerequisites, the Clinical and Supervision Team will assign a supervisor and determine a suitable start date and site based on the student’s strengths and client population interests.
36.6 Clinical Placement Ongoing Requirements
Supervision Sessions:
Regular attendance at supervision sessions is required throughout the placement.
Case Studies Course:
Students must begin the Case Studies course during their Clinical Placement.
Clinical Competencies Evaluations:
Students must continue to meet the standards of CiiAT’s Clinical Competencies evaluation, based on the Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA) Standards of Practice and the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) Entry-to-Practice Competencies.
Report Direct Client Contact Hours (DCCH):
Students must continually report their completed direct client contact hours prior to each clinical supervision session utilizing the systems provided by the Institute. The amount of hours a student accumulates is directly related to the amount of clinical supervision they receive.
36.7 Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, Probation, or Dismissal during Clinical Placement
CiiAT has a responsibility to the clinical placement host organization and their clients to ensure the student art therapists serving them are meeting both the academic and clinical competencies of the Art Psychotherapy Diploma program.
Clinical Placement and Withdrawal:
Once a student who is engaged in their clinical placement has submitted a formal notice of withdrawal to the Institution, the Clinical Department will work with the student in collaboration with the host organization. The priority during this collaborative transition is to continue to meet the needs of the host organization and their clients while removing the student from the site.
Clinical Placement and Leave of Absence:
If a student requests a Leave of Absence during their clinical placement, the Clinical Department will collaborate with the student and the host organization to either complete sessions with current clients (if feasible) or transition the student out of the placement. The student must consider their clients’ safety and emotional well-being when determining the start date of their Leave of Absence.
Clinical Placement and Probation:
A student that is placed on academic or clinical probation may not be suitable for starting their clinical placement until the probationary period has ended and the student resumes good standing. A student that has already begun their clinical placement and is actively seeing clients and then put on probation will be assessed on a case-by-case basis prioritizing the safety of the clients they are seeing. The Institution will maintain an open line of communication with the host organization regarding the student’s standing.
Clinical Placement and Dismissal:
Dismissing a student from the Art Psychotherapy Diploma program while they are engaged in their clinical placement is a decision that the Institute does not take lightly. Under this circumstance, the student would be notified of their dismissal and the host organization would be notified that the student is no longer registered as a student of the Institute through a signed letter. Every effort will be made to supply the host organization with the support to meet their client’s needs in the absence of the student.
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