Policy #16: Academic Integrity
16.1 Purpose
Academic integrity is built on honesty, respect, and fairness. Students, faculty, and staff at CiiAT are members of an intellectual community. As such, it’s expected that anyone studying, teaching, or otherwise participating in the CiiAT community will adhere to ethical values in all learning, teaching, and research.
Students are responsible for academic work that they have submitted or worked on with others. They are also expected to adhere to the ethical values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. This means not cheating, plagiarizing, falsifying materials, using an unauthorized editor or acting in other academically dishonest ways.
16.2 Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
- Using an editor, whether paid or unpaid, unless the Academic Department grants explicit written permission
- Fraudulently manipulating electronic data or research data in order to achieve desired results
- Using work prepared in whole or in part by someone or something else (eg: commercially-prepared essays, AI tools) and submitting it as your own
- Citing a source from which material was not obtained
- Using a quoted reference from a non-original source while implying reference to the original source
- Submitting false records, information, or data in writing or orally
- Copying the answers or other work of another person
- Sharing information or answers when doing homeplay assignments, tests, or examinations except where the instructor has authorized collaborative work
- Having any materials or equipment in an exam or test other than those authorized by the examiners
- Accessing unauthorized information when doing homeplay assignments, tests, or examinations
- Impersonating a student on an exam or test, or being assigned the results of such an impersonation
- Accessing or attempting to access examinations or tests before it is permitted to do so
- Helping or attempting to help others engage in any of the conduct described above
16.3 AI at CiiAT
At CiiAT, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, must be approached with transparency and integrity. Students may utilize AI for research, drafting, or brainstorming, but it is essential that they properly acknowledge its use. Failure to do so may constitute a violation of CiiAT’s Academic Integrity Policy.
When using AI tools for assignments or assessments, students must:
- Acknowledge Use: Clearly state in their assignment that AI was used. This should include the specific tool, such as ChatGPT, and provide details on how it assisted the assignment.
- Quantify Contribution: Students should describe what percentage or portion of the assignment was supported by AI. This can include tasks like research, idea generation, drafting, or refining language.
- Proper Referencing: Any content, suggestions, or outputs from AI must be referenced, just like any other source. This ensures clarity on which parts of the work were influenced by AI versus original student input.
Students should consult the Academic Department if they are unsure about how to properly use or cite AI in their work. The goal is to ensure AI supports the learning process without compromising academic integrity or personal development as an art therapist.
16.4 Violations of Academic Integrity
Students have a right to be heard and the right to a fair process. CiiAT takes allegations of violations of academic integrity seriously. If an instructor or other staff member is concerned that a student has violated the policy, they must document it and inform the Academic Department.
If a student is alleged to have violated the policy, the Academic Department must notify the student in writing. If the student refuses to participate in the process, the Academic Department may proceed to make a determination on whether a violation has occurred.
If a student is found to be in violation of the academic integrity policy, the penalties may be:
- A grade of zero for the assignment
- A failing grade for the whole course
- A notation on your transcript
- Rejection of parts or all of your papers or thesis
- Disciplinary action leading to academic probation or dismissal
The penalty assigned varies by circumstance, but is particularly serious when a student has already committed one violation. Along with these penalties, the student will also receive a letter of reprimand. This letter will stay in the student’s file for the duration that the file must be kept as per guidelines from the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit of British Columbia.
Studying with CiiAT is more than just an education,
it’s a personal journey within a supportive community.
Whether it’s through our small, intimate classes, or through our friendly administrative and technical support team, we strive to provide personalized help and attention.