CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Amy Lister
Amy Lister

Amy Lister


Amy Lister MA, DTATI, RP, PCC, OCT

Amy brings her years of experience as a leadership coach, an educator, an organizational development consultant, and her background in the expressive arts to her therapeutic work, supporting people with navigating change, loss, and transition across their lifespan.

Her passion is facilitating the creative process as a way to tap into embodied wisdom. In her practice, she helps people explore and integrate pivotal transition experiences in life and work so they can courageously live in alignment with their values while expanding their capacity for caring for themselves and the wellbeing of the planet. She is continuously seeking opportunities to collaborate, reimagine systems, reconnect with Nature and co-create ways of knowing, relating and being that inspire, nourish and sustain life.

Amy holds degrees in Outdoor & Experiential Education and Religious Studies from Queens University; a Master's in Curriculum, Teaching  & Learning focused on Holistic & Aesthetic Education (OISE/ UofT); and a post-graduate certificate in Executive Coaching (Royal Roads University). Most recently, Amy graduated from the Toronto Art Therapy Institute (TATI), and through her private practice, she is supporting individuals, children, adults and families as a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) and Art Therapist. Her research focused on therapeutic presence in online art therapy, and she hopes to continue exploring ways to nurture experiences of interconnectivity in our hybrid world. She is the Director of Membership of the Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA) and is a member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO), the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals (OAMHP); the Ontario Society of Registered Psychotherapists (OSRP); the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT); and, is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF).

When not working as a therapist, coach, facilitator, or leadership consultant, Amy enjoys being creative, learning about living sustainably, engaging in social/environmental activism and spending time with her family.

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