CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Special Guest Post: Wellness Day at Victor Brodeur

Our incredible student Yara has written about her experience at Victor Brodeur, a French immersion school in Victoria, BC. Yara went to Victor Brodeur to take part in their Wellness Day event with Lucille Proulx. Read on to find out the impact of introducing young teenagers to art therapy.

I would like to share my own impression about the Wellness Day in Victor Brodeur school. First of all, it was a great pleasure and an honor for me to assist Lucille with the presentation. I admire her ability to explain difficult things in an easy way, setting up remarkable and memorable examples.

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We had 4 groups of students in grades 9 and 10. They were attending different sessions on the same day. It is not always easy to get to the root of each topic when you are a teenager. Many students were not aware about art therapy at all.

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However, in my opinion, the presentation went well. The students were impressed with the case example. They had a chance to realize how it worked out along with the therapist. They were informed about the power of art therapy and about it’s possibility to heal. I saw the students were attentively listening to the mini lecture. Some of them reflected their emotions on their faces. They were dramatic and surprised, full of compassion. Of course, not all of the students were involved and not 100% participated. Some of them were interested in the art activities more than in the lecture itself. We are all different and each child has his own talents and strong sides.

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Psychotherapy itself demands wisdom, life skills, and knowledge to understand art approach possibilities. Many art therapists see this path as their own life long journey . That is why the students from Victor Brodeur have lots of time ahead. Now they are aware about art therapy, the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy, our outstanding teacher Lucille Proulx, and the possibility to enter the field.

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Indeed, some students and teachers took our business cards, ceramic tiles, and asked questions about CiiAT at the end of the session. It reminded me of the successful sales funnel rule: present to 100 people, get 10 interested, sell to 1. 😊 I think we did a great job. It was worth it!

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I would like to say a special thank you for this possibility to be a part of the CiiAT team, and to work together with Lucille. Due to the Wellness Day event, I got acquainted with new people, I discovered this lovely francophone school and I was happy to serve the community. I am looking forward to meeting them again next time.