CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Pansexual Day
CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
Pansexual Day
Pansexual Day

Happy Pansexual Visibility Day!

An important part of being a proponent of any group or organization, is staying informed. For those of you who are uninformed about pansexuality, here’s a few quick facts provided by the LGBT Foundation:

“Pan means ‘all’, and is related to words like panorama. This means that pansexual people aren’t attracted to all other people, but they are attracted to people of all genders. This is different from being attracted to everyone”.💗

Happy Pansexual Visibility Day! Our team at CiiAT believes that every human is equal, and under no circumstance do we tolerate homophobia or discrimination. Help spread awareness of pansexuality and your support of the LGBTQ+ community by re-posting this social media with the hashtags #iamenough #youareenough #pansexual✨