The “Trauma Informed Practices” program is designed for non-clinical practitioners. It covers the scope of practice, signs and behaviors related to trauma, managing triggers, and facilitating therapeutic arts interventions for self-regulation and...
“Attached for Life” explores attachment theory through a therapeutic arts lens, focusing on dyadic work with children and their caregivers. Participants will learn about attachment styles, brain development, and working with different attachment styles,...
“Creating with Nature” is a course that emphasizes the therapeutic potential of the natural environment. It covers incorporating nature into the therapeutic space, nature-based interventions, and ethical considerations for working outdoors.
“Passion, Purpose, Profit” is a course for creative and therapeutic practitioners interested in establishing a successful business. It covers self-reflection, ethics, governing bodies, and the development of a creative business plan.
No, there are no specific prerequisites for enrolling in these programs. They are open to individuals interested in personal and professional development in the field of therapeutic arts.