CiiAT - Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy

Proux Foundation - CiiATCiiAT - The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
The Proulx Global Education & Community Foundation
143 Joseph Street, Victoria BC, Canada, V8S 3H6
Phone: 1-866-452-4428
Email:  [email protected][email protected]
The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy is designated by the BC Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit

Therapeutic Arts Practitioner Certification Contract

Full Legal Name: Used Name:
Mailing Address:
Email Address: Phone Number:
Canadian Citizenship: Non-Canadian Citizenship:
Date of Birth: Gender:
Voluntary Information
Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit?
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?
Program Title: Therapeutic Arts Practioner Cetification Enrollment Type:
Hours of Instruction: 48 Hours Duration: Part-time: 16 Weeks
Full-time: 4 Days
Program Delivery: Distance – Both Synchronous and Asynchronous Credential Issued: Certificate
Language of Delivery English    
  • Participants must meet a minimum age requirement of 19 years and 3 years of education completed in English.

  • If the applicant has not completed 3 years of education in English, evidence of achievement in a recognized standardized language test/assessment at an overall level equivalent to IELTS 5.5 (academic) or higher

  • TAPC Module 1: Introduction to the Therapeutic Arts
    Explore the basic principles of the therapeutic arts through tactile and sensory art-making within a theoretical framework.

    TAPC Module 2: The Media Continuum
    Explore how the use of media helps you and others express emotions without words.

    TAPC Module 3: Group and Community Arts
    Explores art-making for everyone in community settings.

    TAPC Module 4: Mindfulness and Contemplation in the Arts
    Explore the marriage of contemplative practices, therapeutic arts, and neuroscience. How does engaging in the arts bring attention to the present moment and allow us to connect with sacred aspects of self?

  • Attendance is mandatory in all courses.
  • Classes are scheduled in the PST timezone, and students must be willing to attend all classes as scheduled.
  • Students must have the flexibility to attend class and school commitments as the program requires.
  • Completing all academic requirements to a minimum 70% (B-) grade is mandatory for graduation.
  • All class participants must have cameras and microphones on at all times.
  • All classes are recorded and the recordings remain the property of the school (CiiAT). Recordings are used for educational purposes.
  • Class recordings are not public and will only be seen by those specified.

CiiAT is certified with the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the British Columbia Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

  • amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program
  • refund policy

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy. 

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIRU for a tuition refund if:

  • your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program
  • you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIRU and how to be an informed student, go to:

  • The Therapeutic Arts Practioner Cetification was reviewed and approved by the registrar of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.
TAPC is delivered in 4 modules, each costing $695 CAD (x4)
Method of Payment Credit Card
Payment Plan 4 payments of $695 CAD
Before program start date, institution receives a notice of withdrawal:
  • No later than seven days after student signed the enrolment contract, and
  • Before the program start date

100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee

  • More than seven days after the student and institution signed the enrolment contract, and
  • Before the program start date

Institution may retain up to 10% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,000

  • After the program start date, and up to and including 10% of instruction hours have been provided

Institution may retain up to 10% of tuition paid or payable under a contract.

  • After the program start date, and after more than 10% but before 30% of instruction hours have been provided

Institution may retain up to 30% of tuition paid or payable under a contract

  • After the program start date, and after more than 30% but before 50% of instruction hours have been provided

Institution may retain up to 50% of tuition paid or payable under a contract

  • After the program start date, and after more than 50% of instruction hours have been provided

No refund due


This institution is designated by the PTIRU of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. Certified institutions must comply with regulatory requirements relating to, among other things, student enrolment contracts, tuition refunds and instructor qualifications. For more information about PTIRU, go to:

Please be advised that under section 61 of the Private Training Act, the Registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the Registrar’s regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the Registrar for regulatory purposes.


I consent to the institution sharing my personal information with the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills for research purposes and statistical analysis under the authority of sections 6(2)(a) and 10(1)(a) of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).

I consent to the institution sharing my personal information with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canadafor the purposes of the International Student Program under the authority of section 6(2)(a) and 10(1)(a) of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).

Should you have any questions about the collection, disclosure and use of personal information you may contact: Director, Policy and Institution Certification, Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit, Governance, Legislation and Corporate Planning Division, Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, 310-601 Cordova Street W, Vancouver, BC V6B 1G1 or by telephone at (604 569-0019).

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Signed by Cheryl-Ann Webster
Signed On: 2025-01-08

Signature Certificate
Document name: Therapeutic Arts Practitioner Certification Contract
lock iconUnique Document ID: 138ce8c71bba98da8ec2953a911a93f7bb82d96b
Timestamp Audit
2025-01-07 1:28 pm PSTTherapeutic Arts Practitioner Certification Contract Uploaded by Cheryl-Ann Webster - [email protected] IP
2025-01-07 1:58 pm PSTCiiAT Enrollment - [email protected] added by Cheryl-Ann Webster - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
2025-01-07 4:40 pm PSTCiiAT Enrollment - [email protected] added by Cheryl-Ann Webster - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
2025-01-07 5:10 pm PSTCiiAT Enrollment - [email protected] added by Cheryl-Ann Webster - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
2025-01-08 2:19 pm PSTCiiAT Enrollment - [email protected] added by Cheryl-Ann Webster - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: