Clinical Placement Contract

Proux Foundation - CiiATCiiAT - The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy
The Proulx Global Education & Community Foundation
143 Joseph Street, Victoria BC, Canada, V8S 3H6
Phone: 1-866-452-4428
Email:  [email protected][email protected]

Clinical Placement Contract

Thank you for considering , one of our art psychotherapy students, for a clinical placement at your agency. We endeavour to find placement sites suitable for each student’s individual skills and interests to ensure a rich learning experience, and to help fulfill the needs of each site's client (or participant) population. 

Students of the Clinical Art Therapy Diploma program are encouraged to design practicum experiences that will best meet their learning needs. A great deal of flexibility can be maintained because our Institute is small enough to give a highly individualized learning experience. Students often seek out an area of choice and independently negotiate a mutually agreeable contract with agency personnel such as yourself.

It is our hope that this would be a valued learning experience for you as well as for the student.  We wish to support you in ensuring a fulfilling experience for all concerned.  What you can be assured of from the CiiAT program is:

  • Email or phone contact with the school’s practicum supervisors as required.
  • Supervision of the student, at least one hour of supervision per ten direct client contact hours, specifically aimed at monitoring the art therapy interventions and student progress.

Your interest in participating in the practicum component of CiiAT training is greatly appreciated.  Well-rounded expertise can only come through direct involvement with participants and clients when the application of the theory becomes practical and integrated into the student’s learning.

If you have questions, email the Managing Director of Clinical Services [email protected]. Thank you for your willingness to give art therapy and our students a chance to grow.

Responsibilities of the Student:

  1. To provide and maintain a consistent, comfortable, safe environment in which to conduct art therapy.
  2. To meet regularly with agency and art therapy supervisors for debriefing and feedback and to keep them informed of changes in client’s well-being and emotional status.
  3. In case of emergency, to inform the agency supervisor or agency contact person immediately, or their next in line if they are not available.
  4. To keep the client file updated on a regular basis, if required.
  5. To maintain the facilities used in an orderly and respectful manner.

Responsibilities of the Agency Contact Person/Site Supervisor:

  1. To familiarize the student with agency procedures and expectations.
  2. To assess the client’s or participants' suitability for art therapy (or art hive or open studio) before referral.
  3. To provide feedback to the student and CiiAT supervisor verbally as needed and to complete a final evaluation form. Feedback will include the student’s progress, strengths and areas to be worked on.
  4. Agency/site supervisors are invited to report any concerns or bring questions to the CiiAT supervision team by telephone if needed at 250-419-7629 or email: [email protected].

Responsibilities of the CiiAT Supervision Team:

  1. To support and encourage the student in their clinical placement work through regular supervision.
  2. To assist in developing, reviewing and projecting the direction of the art therapy goals and treatment plan in supervision.
  3. To provide feedback to the student on their work in supervision.

I have read and understood the contents of this contract and agree to abide by this contract for its duration. 

Site Supervisor Name:  
Site Name:  
Site Address:  
Student Name:  

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Document name: Clinical Placement Contract
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2024-03-14 3:36 pm PDTClinical Placement Contract Uploaded by Michelle Winkel - [email protected] IP
2024-03-14 3:43 pm PDT Document owner [email protected] has handed over this document to [email protected] 2024-03-14 15:43:24 -